On the basis of policies and accomplishments President Trump has proven he’s our generation’s Reagan.
What of Donald Trump's “Make America Great Again” motto: a Reaganesque message trumpeting U.S. exceptionalism?
Specifically, Trump has modeled Reaganomics by lower taxes to spur today’s 4.2 percent GDP.
In his first year, the Trump administration reduced the federal workforce by almost 13,000. Given Reagan’s abhorrence for the size and scope of government, the Trump era rollback of 22 regulations for every new one is clearly something “The Gipper” would approve of.
Furthermore, both men value the rule of law and keeping our country safe.
Similar in substance is Trump to Reagan on the international stage. His policy of direct engagement with foreign leaders and his “Peace through strength” doctrine mirror Reagan’s.
In the 1980s, the geopolitical foe was Gorbachev, and the “evil empire” was the Soviet Union. Today’s villainous regime is North Korea and Kim Jong Un. The actors have changed, but not the chairs. Where it counts, who’s more Reagan than Trump?
Warts and all, each man is the leader of his time. In his smiling, affable way “The Great Communicator” fought just as tenaciously as Trump’s fighting now.
But the game has changed. It’s unrealistic to expect a plainspoken New York billionaire to be constrained by the pearl-clutching behaviors of the past.
After all, neither political party has remained static in its orientation. How much do outspoken, big government socialists — infesting today’s Democratic Party — have in common with the policies or demeanor of JFK? The return to civility will only happen when the American people demand it from every representative. Meanwhile, it’s too easy to fixate on the President. In “Julius Caesar” the Bard counseled, “The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves.”
David L. Hunter is an associate editor at "Capitol Hill Outsider," and a Washington, D.C.-based freelance writer with a Master's in Professional Writing from USC. He's on Twitter and blogs at davidlhunter.blogspot.com. He is published in many publications including The Washington Post, The Washington Times, FrontPage Mag, Freedom Outpost, and The American Spectator. He has article archives in Patriot Post, Canada Free Press and American Thinker. To read more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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