Democrats’ chosen people used to be “the poor, the black and the disenfranchised.” Today those groups have been shoved to the back of the Democrats’ political bus and replaced by a new group — illegal aliens!
The latest example is Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s, D-N.Y., move to force the shutdown of the federal government out of spite because so-called “Dreamers” — the Deferred Action for Children (DACA) program — were not included in a continuing budget resolution.
Never mind that the spending proposal Senate Democrats rejected included funds to provide health insurance for over 9 million low-income children and for the military and their families.
In the “Schumer shutdown,” Democrats chose to side with the Dreamers — the estimated 800,000 undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. before their 18th birthday by their parents.
Democrats don't want Americans to know that the number is much larger. As reported in USA Today, the non-partisan, non-profit think tank Migration Policy Institute estimates that there are closer to 3.6 million — about a third of all illegal immigrants in the country.
It is clear that Democrats apparently prefer illegal immigrants, even gang members and drug dealers, over U.S. citizens. Why? Because millions of such immigrants are a fertile pool of potential Democratic voters!
If they can’t attract working class white voters in middle America with their leftist pro-socialist rhetoric, why not go for those who will feel indebted to them for letting them stay in America and shield them from voter identification and immigration laws?
One of the favorite and expanding tools Democrats are using to protect and curry favor with illegal and sometimes criminal immigrants are sanctuary city and state laws.
Can you imagine Attorneys General in the old segregated South telling business owners that if they obeyed federal civil rights laws, cooperated with federal law enforcement, and ended segregation that they would face repercussions from the state?
Well, that’s just what California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has threatened to do if any businesses obey federal immigration laws in defiance of California’s sanctuary laws.
He has warned employers of legal consequences if they assist federal immigration officials in a crackdown on illegal immigrants. Under a new state law, employers and businesses could be fined up to $10,000 for providing employee information to U.S Immigration officials.
This is just an example of how illegal immigrants and the Dreamers have become the Democrats’ new “chosen” constituency. No more are the poor, blacks, gays and everything in between, Democrats’ most favored constituencies!
They were willing to shut down the government, cripple the military, cancel six years of funding for low income children’s healthcare all just to blackmail the country in the interest of their new illegal immigrant patrons.
At a time when the unemployment rates of black and Hispanic Americans have reached historic lows, consumer confidence and the stock market is at record highs, Democrats want to protect millions of illegal immigrants — including criminals in their midst who have committed heinous crimes against Americans.
No doubt many of them will compete for the very jobs being obtained by black and Hispanic Americans.
Feeling confident that they have the black and much of the Hispanic vote locked up, Democrats want to put icing on their political cake by bringing millions of illegals into their fold.
The really sad and disgusting part of this Democrat charade is the witting role of their black political accomplices in the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) and U.S. Senate — Corey Booker, D-N.J., and Kamala Harris, D-CA.
They drink the same open borders Kool-Aid and dance to the same amnesty tune as their Democrat bosses — regardless of the consequences to black and legal immigrants in their Districts and states respectively!
My message to them and Democrats: Quit making illegals more important than your own hardworking black, white, and Hispanic U.S. citizen constituents in order to gain the favor of illegal immigrants and your left-wing base!
Voters will remember!
Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations consulting firm in Florida. He held several positions in the Reagan administration as well as in the Reagan presidential campaigns. He is a former co-owner of WTVT-TV in Tampa and former president of the Florida Association of Broadcasters. Read more of his reports — Go Here Now.
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