I’m angry at President Trump for his offensive comments about Haiti and some African countries, disgusting comments made in private that have been predictably blown all out of proportion by his enemies. The stupidity of his making such ugly comments in the presence of his enemies is appalling but, more fundamentally, the fact that he would harbor such ignorant views is disturbing. This makes me wonder if his enemies might be right about the possibility that he may be suffering from some early form of dementia.
I’m angry at President Trump because these types of comments jeopardize the most genuinely progressive agenda in my lifetime. After presiding over the most successful first year of any president since FDR and his New Deal, President Trump practically blows the whole thing up. At the risk of joining the smart sounding liberal arm-chair psychologists with their phony British accents, I would observe that Donald Trump has exhibited a pattern of behavior over time by which he sabotages his successes with some sort of a cringe-worthy blunder.
His enemies have gone completely berserk with their shrill and hysterical charges of white supremacy, racism, KKK, Nazi etc… They seek to re-invigorate political correctness, the main weapon in their arsenal by which any enemy of their regressive authoritarian agenda can be destroyed. President Trump has stood up against this form of soft tyranny and they are lying in wait for revenge. In this case, Trump has made their job easy.
If Trump were one of them, if he was a liberal who supported the Obama agenda of downsizing the American economy and culture to turn America into a province of the world, then all of this would be forgiven and swept under the rug. They really don’t care about racism unless it can be used as a cudgel against an enemy of their agenda of arrested development. Trump’s stupid comments come at an opportune time for them with black unemployment at a 14-year low and with the possibility that minorities might start supporting policies that are beneficial to them. They are terrified that minorities might start realizing that the left has nothing constructive to offer them.
Yet Trump has now created a major distraction. He has given his enemies an excuse to stall a reasonable path to citizenship for the Dreamers so they can now blame him for a problem that they played an equal hand in creating. He has discredited the possibility of securing the border with a wall or some sort of a permanent structure that would end the need to offer amnesties in the future. He has removed from the headlines the breaking scandal around the phony dossier and whether it was used as an excuse by the Obama Administration and the Clinton campaign to spy on Trump and his campaign. Indeed, this scandal has the potential of blowing up bigger than Watergate.
The Trump revolution is bigger than Donald Trump. Americans are waking up to the virtues of freedom, sovereignty, conservative values, and such common-sense ideas as putting their nation, their families, and themselves first. Americans are even beginning to contemplate the ultimate blasphemy for the left, the concept that rights come from God and not from the state. Trump has begun to dismantle the authoritarian edifice that the left has been building in this country since the days of Woodrow Wilson. The momentum toward freedom is such that the movement will, God willing, go on with or without Trump.
Chuck Morse hosts "The Morse Force" live Monday-Friday at Noon, ET on YouTube. The program is also available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play and his books are available on Amazon.com. For more of his reports — Click Here Now.
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