Abraham Lincoln is credited with cogently observing, "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
The weapon in plain sight that could well achieve Lincoln's dark, prophetic outcome?
A program, an agenda - if you prefer: Diversity, Equity an Inclusion (DEI).
It's hitting our republic in the form of a multi-axis attack.
This is not mere alarmism. It's a very real and ribald form of thought control.
Thus, there is no mincing of words here. To do so would be a disservice to humankind, and equally so for the sake of our collective and individual futures.
Marxism by any other name is still Marxism.
And . . . It all began with and as a yawn.
One summer, 2011 day, then-President Barack H. Obama signed Executive Order (EO) 13583, "Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce."
What followed?
No controversy. No outcry.
Across the governmental enterprise nearly all bureaucrats acknowledged the order and set about symbolic measures to show solidarity with an already accepted idea.
Nearly all.
President Joseph Robinette Biden’s Executive Order 13583 was a quiet foundation set for something with exponentially greater ambition, interrupted only when outsider, President Trump occupied the White House.
Extreme leftist technocrats, many of whom were Obama appointees, simply kept their powder dry.
Jan. 20, 2021 - Inauguration Day:
Biden wasted zero time quickly rolling out a weaponized DEI program out to the launch pad.
After annihilating the Keystone Pipeline, killing our economy and energy independence (another way of describing our national security), he signed EO 13988, "Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation," followed in the coming weeks by EO 14020, "Establishment of the White House Gender Policy Council."
These actions set the stage for the end of the beginning.
The Democratic-controlled Congress never uttered a word about being bypassed by the executive branch.
On 25 June 2021, a czar is born . . . Check that! Several of them!
EO 14035, "Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce" was signed by the president, placing DEI czars with stunning levels of power to take their seats in 15 departments and agencies, led by Chief Czar, Michael Leach at the White House.
Merit and the pursuit of excellence were vaporized by presidential dictate.
In EO 14035 one can find a bold edict that "As the Nation’s largest employer, the Federal Government must be a model for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility…"
Not only will hiring and promotion be based on how disparaged or victimized an individual or their ethnic/gender background is, they want this to be the way all of America works.
Do we now gauge signs of a genuinely healthy America that the federal government is the nation’s largest employer?
I digress.
DEI czars, watching and enforcing the administration’s Marxist dreams and all those mighty department secretaries?
They can bow down to the czars, resign or be fired.
"Great," "Lovely."
And then there is our national security.
Is a DEI czar going to make us stronger and thereby a deterrent to those enemies that have designs on us?
A hypothetical.
2005. A promising U.S. Navy Seal, Lt. Commander has taken early command of a Special Warfare Unit because he outperformed all competitors by every measure to include heroic combat service as evidenced by a bronze star with valor device for saving his team under direct fire in Afghanistan.
Flag officers agree that this high potential officer must remain on their watch list.
2022. Our Navy special operations hero above loses out on a promotion board to Rear Admiral.
U.S. Pacific Fleet Command could only nominate one officer.
Mindful of DEI policies from the White House down, the command safely chose a transgender logistics officer who had never deployed to a combat zone or led at senior levels.
Do you see the damage here, as well as the collateral ramifications?
If you don’t, our servicemen and young citizens surely do. You can bank on it.
Recruitment and retention have reached crisis levels.
There are rarely whistleblowers on active duty. People vote with their feet.
If that wasn’t enough, the DEI czars now want the kids of those in uniform.
U.S. Department of Defense schools have embarked on an aggressive campaign to indoctrinate the sons and daughters of our fighting forces with books that explain why "Defund the Police" is reasonable.
If any of you think China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea struggle with these issues, go back to working on selection of your personal pronouns.
This warning is not for you.
Was Abraham Lincoln right?
Are we destroying ourselves, and doing so from within?
It sure looks like it.
But let’s not forget that there are willing accomplices in Beijing and Davos pushing this poison 24/7 365 days a year.
After all, the bad guys globally to include the "One World Government" elitists cannot win where a strong and free America is thriving.
You would never eat bugs unless they made you.
But . . . they plan to make you.
Our discussion of their Marxist plans is not appreciated.
Even our Civil War president has had his quote above fact checked by the "uni-media" . . . makes sense.
So, let's resolve to bring this dangerous nonsense well into the light, non-stop, so it can be continually exposed for the very real threat to our liberty and way of life that it truly is.
Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt (retired) is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, a former deputy representative to NATO, a lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Newsmax contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, or its components. Read Gen. Holt's reports — More Here.
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