In case you haven't noticed, loveable old Mother Nature has been on a rampage lately, tearing up the global landscape with a frightening host of catastrophes that make poor old Al Gore's predictions of a French-fried earth look like invitations to a garden tea party.
Earthquakes of substantial magnitude, floods inundating usually peacefully bucolic Midwestern areas, tornadoes of unprecedented ferocity, disasters that are leaving not only property losses of massive proportions in their wake, but claiming not inconsiderable numbers of human lives as well. For example, hundreds of thousands died in the Indonesian earthquake-induced tsunami and the recent Chinese earthquake alone.
Something very unpleasant is going on, and before you jump to algorean conclusions, all of these catastrophes haven't got a damned thing to do with global warming. We are watching climate change develop, but its not the sort the global warming alarmists would have us believe is underway.
It's global cooling on a massive scale.
Let's start with the rash of tornadoes that have been tearing up large parts of the Midwest and Southeastern U.S. Torrents of rainfall have produced the tragic flooding we are now witnessing in places like Iowa, which is not, as you might speculate, being punished for giving Barack Obama a major primary victory but instead, it is in the wrong geographic location at this particular point in time.
Ask any knowledgeable meteorologists what created the rash of tornadoes and floods and they'll tell you flat out that it is cold fronts coming south from the frozen North and running into warm tropical air from the South headed northward that set off tornadoes and torrential rainfall. The colder the front heading south and the warmer the front moving north, the worse the storms will be.
That's right, cold fronts in late May and early to mid-June coming from Arctic and sub-Arctic regions that Mr. Gore assures us are well on the way towards becoming the new balmy global winter resorts.
Cold fronts in June, just days before the summer officially sets in. As for earthquakes, according to the Web siter "between 1986 and 1996, a period of 11 years, there were 'just' 15 earthquakes listed by USGS of magnitude 7.0 or greater. This is not markedly different (albeit a slight decrease) from previous (similar periods) of 20th century, where an average of about 18 might be expected.
"But between 1997 and 2007, a period of only 11 years, there were 99 earthquakes with magnitude 7.0 or greater: This is more than a six-fold increase on the previous similar period — and is a stark increase on any earlier decades in 20th century too."
What's all this about? It's what I wrote about in 1997 in "Behold The Iceman Cometh" ( — we are entering the preliminary phase that heralds the end of the present interglacial period and the onset of glaciation. Please note, I said the onset of glaciation, not glaciation itself.
That period, research shows, is one of horrific natural disasters, the kind of which we are only beginning to witness. It's going to get a lot worse.
Warning: if you don't like learning about unpleasant facts stop reading right here. If I'm correct about what the future holds, it will make you hair stand on end.
Simply put, it's getting cold here on Mother Earth, and it's going to get a lot colder. Why? Because we are on the cusp of a new ice age, and that cusp is a very slippery slope.
The understanding that we are due for an end of the current 10,000 year interglacial period was best exemplified when the National Academy of Sciences was still sane and understood that the past is prologue, published "Understanding Climate Change which noted that the present interglacial interval — which has now lasted for about 10,000 years — represents a climatic regime that is relatively rare during the past million years, most of which has been occupied by colder, glacial regimes.
"Few paleoclimatologists would dispute that the prominent warm periods (or interglacials) that have followed each of the terminations of the major glaciations have had duration's of 10,000 plus or minus 2,000 years.
"In each case, a period of considerably colder climate has followed immediately after the interglacial interval. Since about 10,000 years have passed since the onset of the present period of prominent warmth, the question naturally arises as to whether we are indeed on the brink of a period of colder climate."
History has shown that the 20-year period that precedes the onset of glaciation, is one of increasing violence on a scale unheard of over the past 10,000 years. Earthquakes of incredible size and violence, rashes of incredibly destructive tornadoes, hurricanes and other violent storms, and natural disasters of a frequency and magnitude beyond anything our limited imaginations can conjure, await us in the immediate future.
Every winter gets longer; every summer gets shorter; spring and fall disappear. Soon there are only winters — very frigid winters. And the ice man cometh.
And there's not a damn thing we can do about it. Nothing. Nada.
None of us was born with a certificate of immortality. Instead what we took into this world was an undated death certificate. We are born to die. God, not us, determines the when and how.
If he wants us all at once, that's how it will be — fiat voluntas tua sicut in caeli et in terra (Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven). Global history, after all, is rife with mass extinctions. And history tends to repeat itself ad infinitum.
This is what I think is in the cards for us. I hope and pray I'm wrong, but all the signs point in this direction. If you agree, join me in getting your moral and spiritual houses in order. Time's a'wastin. We are not long for this world.
If you disagree with me, just wait. If I'm right, it's all just around the corner. We'll soon know.
Phil Brennan is a veteran journalist and World War II Marine who writes for He is editor and publisher of Wednesday on the Web ( and was Washington columnist (Cato) for National Review magazine in the 1960s.
He also served as a staff aide for the House Republican Policy Committee and helped handle the Washington public relations operation for the Alaska Statehood Committee which won statehood for Alaska. He is also a trustee of the Lincoln Heritage Institute and a member of the Association For Intelligence Officers.
He can be reached at
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