It's been a while, but you probably remember the big TV ad campaign for a popular men's "skin bracer," in which a pretty young thing responds to some hopeful guy's overture by smacking him right across the chops: "Smack!"
And his happy, cheery rejoinder was always, "Thanks! I needed that!"
Well, I'm that guy now. And like him, I'll cheerfully acknowledge it. In my last two offerings in this space, I presumed to diagnose the illegal immigration dilemma, and then to offer a reasoned, detailed solution.
Who am I to do that? Hey, I'm just another concerned citizen, but I've been given the opportunity to wrestle this beast here, and so I have. And most of the reader responses have been appreciative and encouraging. But not all. And I'm realizing that's the beauty of the pundit pages here at NewsMax. Readers can respond . . . and they do!
In this instance, I really feel some of the responses deserve the same opportunity I've been given. Some of them follow below, right after I state that nothing I wrote should have been construed as approving any kind of "amnesty."
In fact, a review will show that I emphatically stated that amnesty shouldn't be considered in any form . . . or called by any other name.
Just for an example, this is the kind of response I've been getting previously: "Dear Pat Boone, I don't always agree with your opinions, but I thought this was a well written article, logical and fair for all concerned."
Jim A., Orem, Utah"
So I was somewhat taken aback by this one, from a veteran who certainly deserves to address the issue:
Dear Pat Boone, I have followed your editorials . . . but this time we are not on the same wavelength. Citizenship should not be granted to the illegals in this country any other way than from their country of origin. It is amazing to me how many people say that the only reason that we must allow the illegals to stay is because it is too hard. Hundreds of thousands of American died in WWII alone, and I don't think you ever heard the excuse that "it was too hard" to sweat, sacrifice, and die to preserve our country. Personally I think that what Bush, Kennedy, McCain, and others are proposing is more insidious and more disastrous than even WWII . . . Sorry, but what you propose is the end of America! — James S. (S-E Asian veteran A6 pilot), Maryland
That really gave me pause, but while I was digesting it, I read the following:
Dear Pat Boone, Your plan to "make them citizens" is not a good plan. I interact with illegals, every day. The Houston area is flooded with them, since it is a sanctuary city. Most don't care to be citizens, learn English, learn laws, learn our cultures, and especially renounce Mexico for America. There are many who talk about the Aztlan Movement, to take back the southern part of the county, which is taught in Mexican schools and pushed by groups like La Raza ("The Race"), MENCHA, and LULAC . . . You don't know how many murders are going on around the Laredo, Texas, area, because the MSM will not report them. A Mex-American, who works for my father, says people are dying almost daily. Did you know that more people have been murdered in the U.S., by illegal aliens in the last five years, than our fallen soldiers in Iraq? . . . The Mexican GDP rank is ninth in the world, so why are we trying to change governments in the Middle East, when we need to change the extremely corrupt government of our neighbor, to create fair paying jobs, and infrastructure for their people? — Craig P., Friendswood, TX
This reader is on the scene, interacting with aliens, legal and illegal . . . and with his response I experienced my first "Smack!" Then came the following thoughtful, analytical response from a lady who identifies herself as a low income but proud and articulate citizen:
Dear Pat Boone, There are four major problems that you fail to address and probably don't see. The true issue of legalizing 20 million (closer to the true number) illegal aliens, whether through a Z-Visa or turning them into citizens, is the effect that illegal aliens have and their future effect on American citizens. It's not the difference between being legalized and becoming citizens; it's that: 1) 20 million illegal aliens will assimilate into the lower income population, the bracket of people who work at the same type of job that illegals take. With 14 million citizens who are unemployed (claiming unemployment only), 20 million illegal aliens will be legally taking our jobs, and, once it's done, we can't change our decision . . . 2) You mention that they will pay taxes. However, [low-income] people generally receive a refund of all taxes paid.
And, as citizens with families, they become eligible for the earned income credit, which could conceivably cost taxpayers [so much that] the only solution would be to deprive 37 million American citizens of their right to claim EIC, and you can't make someone a citizen, then deprive them of their rights as a citizen. 3) In families that don't believe in birth control, it's common to have five or six children. The 20 million will be having their own children, and many of their migrated children will be old enough to reproduce within 2 to 5 years.
Assuming a common 3.5 children in each family, 20 million legalized immigrants will bring over and/or reproduce at the tune of 75 million, adding 95 million to our 37 million poor Americans almost immediately. But the problem is down the road, and it's what we are leaving our children. In 20 to 25 years, using the 3.5 (kids) multiplier, the 75 million direct descendants of our generosity will possibly and probably bear another 262 million, far too early to rise above the poverty level. … America's population of 300 million could easily double in 20 to 25 years, with over half being in the low-income category. Can you look into our future without the rose-colored glasses and view reality? The mess will be ours, but our children will have to fight the fight we should be fighting now. 4) There is no way to stop illegal immigration. A wall will only deter illegals, and even the President unwittingly admitted that they will find a way around the wall and across our borders. The only way to stop illegal immigration is to take away the promise of amnesty in any shape, form, or fashion. In 20 years, we'll have another 20 million illegal immigrants clamoring for amnesty, that is, if America has anything left that they want.
What is your solution to these problems? I have to live in the problem, and my class of citizens is already affected by the 20 million aliens who are still only hopeful of obtaining amnesty. I hope you've read this far, and if you have, thank you for at least hearing me out. This is no laughing matter, and millions of American families will be adversely affected by the people who think that America can't possibly fall. But it's just like a person making $10 who loves kids. Having 15 children making $10 an hour would be foolish. We must use common sense and plan for our future. -- Carol C., Cedartown, Georgia
With this smack, I exclaimed, to these and many others, "Thanks! I needed that!"
I'm doing more deep thinking, from the angles these good people suggest. As I've said, we need the wisdom of Solomon, and I'm not a Solomon. But . . . any of us can go to the source of Solomon's wisdom, and perhaps God will grant us solutions, if we collectively ask him. I intend to do that, and urge all my fellow Americans to do the same.
I'll revisit the topic in the very near future, and if by some miracle together we're given the wisdom that leads to what's fair and right for all, we'll be obligated — exactly as select Americans at crucial bygone turning points have been — to say joyfully to God himself: "Thanks! We needed that!"
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