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Himes: Trump's London Tweets 'Inappropriate for a Toddler'


By    |   Tuesday, 06 June 2017 12:09 PM EDT

President Donald Trump's response to the London Bridge terrorist attack was "inappropropriate for a toddler, much less the president of the United States," and his comments show him to be "dangerous" to American interests, Rep. Jim Himes said Tuesday.

"This is just sort of today's installment of the Donald Trump reality show," the Connecticut Democrat told CNN "New Day" co-anchor Alisyn Camerota, a day after launching a tweet storm against the president.

He called him words such as "dangerous," "completely delusional," "demented," and "unhinged" after Trump attacked London Mayor Sadiq Khan for his response to the deadly attack.

"Why do I use language like that?" Himes told Camerota. "You need to be about 9-years-old in your social development to understand when your neighbor, friend, brother, sister — which is what the British are to us — have suffered a great tragedy. The only decent response is to say, 'I'm terribly sorry, and how can I help?'"

In addition, he said, Trump's tweets to Khan, where he ridiculed the mayor for saying not to be "alarmed" after the mayor had spoken of a police presence in the streets, showed a "total misunderstanding" of what the mayor had said.

But most of all, Himes said, he considers Trump's actions "dangerous" because people who would do the United States harm are watching closely.

"They just saw the president of the United States respond to an attack in Britain less appropriately, than as I said, a 7- or 8-year-old would respond," Himes said. "Now they are thinking to themselves, what if we did this in the United States . . . would he act responsibly or not? The answer is of course he would not react responsibly."

After the CNN interview, Himes once again went after Trump on Twitter, saying that one of the president's tweets Tuesday on Qatar proved his points about acting dangerously:

Himes noted that he's criticized Trump before "when he has lied on Twitter" for the American Healthcare Act.

"We're forgetting that the Senate this week is taking up a house healthcare bill that would deny 24 million Americans healthcare insurance," Himes said. "This is just a moment-by-moment, day-by-day thing."

Himes said there has been discussion over whether Trump's tweets are official statements or policy, but to him,"they are a window to spot the man's mind. This country has challenges. The mind that we see in this person who occupies the Oval Office is not the mind of somebody that we want in charge if this country is hit with a terrorist attack."

The congressman noted he's not on the same page politically with former President George W. Bush, but he lauded him for his response to the 9/11 attacks.

"He urged the country to be calm," said Himes. "One of his very first statements was to say this is not about all Muslims . . . George W. Bush responded with prudence, dignity, facts. What Donald Trump did in response to the British tragedy was, again, I think, inappropriate for a toddler, much less the president of the United States."

In one of his tweets, Himes also said he does not know how people such as National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and Defense Secretary James Mattis can serve with Trump, as they are "different in temperament, tone, knowledge and experience."

"I don't want them to do anything other than reflect on what's going to happen to their reputations because of this association with the president who is out of control," said Himes. "I know some of these people. I think they are good, solid . . . I don't know how they get up every morning and say I have one of the most responsible jobs I will ever hold and the president just tweeted something I would ground my 16-year-old for saying."

Sandy Fitzgerald

Sandy Fitzgerald has more than three decades in journalism and serves as a general assignment writer for Newsmax covering news, media, and politics. 

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President Donald Trump's response to the London Bridge terrorist attack was "inappropropriate for a toddler, much less the president of the United States," and his comments show him to be "dangerous" to American interests, Rep. Jim Himes said Tuesday.
jim himes, donald trump, tweets, london, inappropriate
Tuesday, 06 June 2017 12:09 PM
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