The right to free speech in America applies to everyone in the land, including those who wish to draw cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, music legend Charlie Daniels said Friday on "Newsmax Now."
"This is America, this is the land of the free and home of the brave, where you say what you want to and pay the consequences," Daniels told
Newsmax TV. "If they want to do it, they can do it as we're always being reminded by the same people who were complaining about this being provocation. Free speech is free speech whether you like it or whether you don't."
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Daniels ignited a firestorm of controversy with a posting on his website days after
Garland, Texas, police shot and killed two Muslim extremists who opened fire at a contest offering a $10,000 prize to the best depiction of Prophet Muhammad on May 4.
His piece — in which he said he neither commends nor condemns the Texas contest’s organizers
— criticized what he perceives as kid-glove handling of radical Muslims by President Barack Obama, who refuses to identify jihadists as radical Muslims.
"Is America to walk on egg shells in practicing our constitutional rights from now on, observing strict rules of political correctness in a fruitless effort to placate the sensibilities of people who hack the heads off Christians and kidnap children for sex slaves?" Daniels wrote.
"No other group in the history of America has been granted immunity from criticism or even ridicule for that matter, and one has to look no farther than the TV shows and art exhibits to find mocking of God and belittling of those who follow Him.
"Yet, if followers of Christ went and shot up Bill Maher’s show or bombed the exhibition of a photo of a crucifix in a jar of the artist’s urine, I wonder if the critics would be so quick to condemn TV and museums for being the catalyst."
On Newsmax TV, Daniels weighed in on a rally scheduled outside of a Phoenix mosque Friday evening that will include a Muhammad cartoon contest similar to the one in Texas that turned deadly.
"Well, good, bad or indifferent, they've got a right to do it," he said of the event’s organizers. "I probably wouldn't do it, but that's entirely up to them. It sounds like provocation, but how many times do we get provoked? How many times are we provoked by the Muslims that got on an airplane a while back and started holding prayer services just trying to make people nervous? It's not a one-way street so if they want to do it, that's their right as Americans."
Daniels made clear that the target of his ire is only radical Muslims.
"They do exist whether our president wants to say so or not," he said. "It's a great mistake if he is not to come out on this. He hurts the confidence of the people in the United States. What would it hurt? Why does the truth hurt? Why can't you come out and say it? Radical Islamic terrorists. It's not that hard to say and it's the absolute out and out truth. The leader of the free world absolutely refuses to do that. It's a weakness."
By identifying bad Muslims, "you identify the good ones," he continued.
"We're talking about … the radicals that are causing the problems. When you say Westboro Baptist Church, does anybody think you're talking about the Southern Baptist Convention? No, they don't. They got better sense than that. When you say radical Islamic terrorists, does that mean you're talking about all Islamic people?"
Daniels said he believes his post resonated with so many Americans because they are "very frustrated with the president, the growing ISIS problem, the falling prestige of America and a dearth of leadership in this country on all levels."
In his website essay, Daniels candidly imparted his thoughts about what America is lacking.
"America needs a leader who is a staunch defender of all our constitutional rights, 2nd amendment notwithstanding, a leader who will call our enemy by its proper name and hunt them down anywhere in the world when they are a threat to America, a leader with guts, gonads and the nerve to tell America the whole truth.
"Lock and load America, trouble is on the way."
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