FWD.us, the political action group founded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and other Silicon Valley big shots, says its purpose is to promote comprehensive immigration reform. But some of their recent ads talk more about the dangers of Obamacare and the virtues of Big Oil.
That doesn’t sound very much like the Zuckerberg of old,
ThinkProgress says. In fact, Zuckerberg wrote in an op-ed in The Washington Post, that “The economy of the last century was primarily based on natural resources … Today’s economy is very different. It is based primarily on knowledge and ideas.”
In that same op-ed, Zuckerberg says FWD.us will work with members of both parties achieve its goal of immigration reform, education reform and a “knowledge economy.” As part of that effort, FWD.us has created two subsidiaries, one run by Republicans, one by Democrats, to promote its agenda.
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The GOP-led group, Americans for a Conservative Direction, has produced an ad for Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., which blasts Obama’s health care reform law as “wasteful stimulus spending,” using the term “seedy Chicago-style politics.” It praises Graham’s efforts on the Keystone XL oil pipeline.
Story continues below.
The Democratic group, Council for American Job Growth, produced an ad for Sen. Mark Begich, D-Alaska, praising him for “working to open ANWR to drilling and investing in the Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline.”
Neither ad mentions immigration reform, FWD.org’s purported primary purpose.
“Both ads appear to be trying to give political cover to vulnerable centrists, in hopes of ensuring their support for major immigration reform,” ThinkProgress’ piece asserts.
Zuckerberg has touted the need to move from dirty fossil fuels to clean renewable energy, the piece’s authors say. So why the change?
FWD.us Communications Diroector Kate Hansen, told ThinkProgress that the group “is committed to showing support for elected officials who promote the policy changes needed to build the knowledge economy.”
Maintaining the two separate groups, she said, “means that we can more effectively communicate with targeted audiences of their constituents.”
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