The launch of the Affordable Care Act is "the worst rollout of a new product since New Coke," says Newsmax contributor and conservative columnist John Fund.
"Max Baucus, the Democratic chairman of the Finance Committee, said it was a train wreck. That's an insult to train wrecks," Fund told "The Steve Malzberg Show" on Newsmax TV.
"Train wrecks at least were going before they wrecked," he said Tuesday. "This thing didn't even get going."
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The Obama administration's attempts to fix the Affordable Care Act's troubled website by bringing in more technicians could be a case of "too many cooks spoil the broth," Fund said.
"Just throwing more people at a problem isn't necessarily solving it. It can complicate it," he said.
"Now, in one respect they probably do need more people. They have 5 million lines of code that they have to rewrite. The best tech experts I talk to say that it'll be months before this thing gets straightened out.
"Then we run into the problem of deadlines. On Jan. 1, which is barely two months away, every American will legally have to be required to have health insurance."
Fund thinks the problems surrounding the Affordable Care Act put enormous pressure on Democratic senators up for election in 2014.
"They don't want this hanging over their head, constituents complaining because it's premium shock, it's sticker shock, people having their coverage dropped by employers, it's a mess," he said.
"Ironically, the government shutdown was all about the Republicans' demanding a one-year delay in the implementation of Obamacare for individuals, since he gave companies a delay of one year. And he didn't take that deal. He may rue the day that he didn't take them up on that."
He said Republican lawmakers can continue to fight the Affordable Care Act, but must push "a real alternative."
"We need someone like [neurosurgeon and conservative] Ben Carson, or someone like that, to carry the message and become a national spokesman," Fund said.
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