The chanting — “Bernie! Bernie!” — interrupted many speakers at the opening of the Democratic National Convention Monday evening, and it was clear backers of the Vermont senator were not happy with the idea of a candidate Hillary.
At one point, Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., chairman of the convention’s Platform Committee, had to raise the decibel level of his pulpit-style oratory to be heard over the shouters.
One of the respected “wise men” of the Democratic Party made it clear to Newsmax he was fed up with the behavior of those who supported the losing candidate and were voicing their disappointment at his loss.
“This is all very sad, and a very unfortunate occurrence,” said Don Fowler, one of the two oldest-living past DNC chairmen. “Hillary Clinton has done so many good things she deserves better than this.”
Fowler had been Democratic state chairman in South Carolina until Bill Clinton tapped him to head the Democratic National Committee in 1995. Of Sanders himself, Fowler admitted “we’ve got to let him vent.” But he quickly added that the senator had said repeatedly he would support Clinton and his supporters should do the same.
He contrasted his party’s platform, which those who crafted it repeatedly hailed from the platform as “the most progressive in the history of our party”—with its Republican alternative. In Fowler’s words, “it focuses on some pretty mean issues.”
Specifically, he explained, he meant immigration and Donald Trump’s position.
“We are all immigrants — doesn’t that fool know that?” said the South Carolinian. “He talks about banning Muslims from the U.S. Has he not read the First Amendment and its providing the free exercise of religion?”
Revered by fellow Democrats for his leadership of the party, Fowler was widely sought out on the convention floor by delegates from various states.
Fowler is widely admired across the aisle as well. Former Rep. John Napier, R-S.C., a former judge of the U.S. Court of Claims, told me: “Don Fowler is one of South Carolina's treasures and one of our nation's treasures. He is a man who lives every day by his principles and patriotism."
John Gizzi is chief political columnist and White House correspondent for Newsmax.
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