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Obama's Strong-Arm Tactics Chilling

Lowell Ponte By Tuesday, 11 August 2009 12:21 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychiatry, called it “psychological projection,” the unconscious denial of one's own traits by ascribing them to others. A thief, for example, will accuse everyone else of being a thief.

We have seen such delusional projection run amok recently in wild accusations by prominent Democrats against those who refuse to be stampeded into socialized medicine.

On Aug. 10, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and majority leader Rep. Steny Hoyer accused health reform critics of being “un-American,” as if citizens speaking out at political meetings had never happened before in America.

Days earlier Pelosi accused socialized medicine opponents of carrying signs with Swastikas, the symbol of national socialism (i.e., Naziism) into local town hall meetings with lawmakers. Reporters could find only one such sign rejecting Pelosi's and President Barack Obama's policies for being Nazi-like.

Other Democratic lawmakers parroted Pelosi's surreal propaganda, dishonestly smearing any who dared to question Obamacare as “brownshirts,” “gangsters,” or domestic terrorists like Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh.

Real terrorism, however, has come entirely from the left as ordinary citizens found themselves pushed, threatened, or locked out by partisan organizers and radical leftwing activists.

Only hours after the Obama White House told supporters to “punch back twice as hard” against critics, near St. Louis, African-American conservative Kenneth Gladney was attacked and savagely beaten by four N-word-spouting thugs wearing the purple t-shirts of the ultra-leftist Service Employee International Union (SEIU), one of the nation's two biggest government employee unions.

SEIU gave Democrats $80 million for the 2008 election, and the union's radical president, Andy Stern, reportedly meets privately with Obama weekly in the White House. SEIU works closely with hyper-leftist ACORN, one tentacle of which was once headed in Illinois by Obama.

“I'd prefer to use the power of persuasion,” Stern says, “but if it doesn't work I'm prepared to use the persuasion of power.”

In a speech before SEIU, Obama said he would be unable to replace all private employer health insurance with government single-payer socialized medicine “immediately,” but said he favored single-payer.

SEIU's former organizing director, Margarida Jorge, is now national field director of HCAN, Health Care for America Now, devoted to pushing for passage of Obamacare.

In an Aug. 4 tactical manual, Jorge told her radical shock troops how to deal with Obamacare critics in public gatherings. “[D]rown them out,” she wrote.

“Do not debate on their 'policy' points. . . . Interrupt them. . . . Line up a number of people who feel comfortable interrupting. . . .,” wrote Jorge. “Shut them down with chants. . . .”

Jorge's advocates seizing “control” over public meetings. One way to do this is “to ask people to submit questions ahead of time . . . and to limit the topic of questions.” Prohibiting live questions lets liberal lawmakers and leftwing activists rig and stage manage events as propaganda spectacles.

“[C]onfiscate signs or leaflets that [opponents] may bring. . . .” she wrote. “[M]ake a blanket rule that no one can bring signs or leaflets. . . . You can distribute your own signs in the event and offer them one as they enter if you choose to allow them to enter.”

“We need to stack our folks in the front to create a wall around [a liberal congressman],” writes Jorge. Some Democratic lawmakers have thus stacked their so-called town hall meetings by letting union and ACORN members enter before anyone else, fill the front rows, and blot out others by holding up their signs in front of news cameras.

“It's important that you take away right-wingers [sic] opportunities to talk with reporters,” wrote Jorge, “by making sure that your staff or leaders are in constant contact with the media who attend.”

Welcome to Obamocracy 2009. Its chilling resemblance to 1936 Germany is, to judge from the revealing psychological projections of Pelosi and other left-wing Democrats, more than coincidental.

“I don't want the folks who created the mess to do a lot of talking,” Obama said earlier this month. “I want them just to get out of the way. . . .” Translation: my opponents should be stifled.

Among the biggest mess makers are Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., and Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., both of whom threatened and bullied banks into making millions of home loans to NINJAs, people with No Income and No Job, including five million illegal aliens and other Democratic constituents, who predictably defaulted on loans that without such political pressure would never have been made.

This is the same Obama who in 2008 told supporters to “get in the face” of those criticizing him, and who as president threatened media-demonized business people by saying he was “the only thing standing between you and the pitchforks.”

This is the radical Saul Alinskyite community organizer and strong-arm Chicago political intimidator for whom threats and election-rigging are politics as usual.

Pelosi grew up as daughter of the Democratic machine boss of Baltimore. By age 7, Pelosi was already accustomed to demanding political payoffs in telephone calls with those needing her father's favors. No wonder this megalomaniacal power queen demands $500 million of new luxury corporate jets (said to be designated Broomstick One when Pelosi is aboard).

Pelosi is diverting this half-billion dollars from the Defense Department budget, which already shortchanges our troops in Afghanistan.

HCAN's Daddy Warbucks is billionaire money manipulator George Soros, who just pledged another $5 million to its coffers to help pass Obamacare.

Soros, who once made a billion dollars by wrecking the British pound, may have been behind the September 2008 international financial attack on the U.S. Treasury that precipitated today's economic crisis and elected Obama.

Soros backs Democrats because the United States is “too strong” and needs to be drastically weakened in the world.

As a child Soros enjoyed vacationing in Nazi Germany where, his father assured him, the signs that said No Jews Allowed “don't apply to us.” Others paid for such self-delusion as victims of the Holocaust.

Lowell Ponte is co-host of the radio show “Night-Watch,” heard live nationwide Monday through Friday, 10 p.m. to midnight Eastern time, on

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Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychiatry, called it “psychological projection,” the unconscious denial of one's own traits by ascribing them to others. A thief, for example, will accuse everyone else of being a thief.We have seen such delusional projection run amok recently...
Tuesday, 11 August 2009 12:21 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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