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After WikiLeaks' CIA Report, Judge Must Expand Mass Surveillance Cases

After WikiLeaks' CIA Report, Judge Must Expand Mass Surveillance Cases
Logos on the WikiLeaks Twitter page are pictured on November 7, 2016. (Alex Milan Tracy/Sipa USA via AP)

By    |   Wednesday, 08 March 2017 11:41 AM EST

With the WikiLeaks document dump yesterday, it is now virtually certain that the intelligence agencies, despite court rulings by the Honorable Richard J. Leon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, are continuing to violate the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution by engaging in massive spying on the American people.

Specifically, the WikiLeaks documents revealed that "our" intelligence agencies have the power to turn on our smart televisions and cellphones and eavesdrop on a 24/7 basis.

How, as a lawyer, for instance, can I for one have confidential communications with my clients concerning the very cases that I brought against the National Security Agency (NSA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and Director of National Intelligence (DIA), among other government and private defendants, including former President Barack Obama himself. Indeed, these landmark cases — and there are three of them, including a class action suit on behalf of all of the American people — are styled Klayman et. al v. Obama et al. (See

Given what we now know about the actions and capabilities of the intelligence agencies, it is clear that my lawsuits against them need to be expanded and an emergency hearing held by Judge Leon.

We cannot have our own government engaging in Orwellian "Big Brother" surveillance over the populace. Indeed, if King George III had had this capability and means to spy in the days leading up to 1776, our Founding Fathers would not have made it to my native city of Philadelphia to debate and then sign the Declaration of Independence. They would have been picked up, arrested, imprisoned and later executed by the British monarch.

The key to getting to the bottom of all of this does not lie with congressional committees, but with the court of Judge Leon.

This is one of the few jurists in the nation who has the fortitude and integrity to not bend down to the intelligence agencies. The Senate and House intelligence committees have outrageously known about this massive spying for many years, and covered it up. So too has the FBI, at its highest levels, which is supposed to be investigating this illegal spying, thanks to the information and documentation provided to them under grant of immunity by my client, whistleblower Dennis Montgomery. Montgomery, under grant of immunity to produce classified documents he had taken from the agencies, has even testified under oath to FBI Special Agents William Giardina and William Barnett, working under the authority and direction of FBI Director Comey and his General Counsel James Baker. Importantly, much of what was revealed by WikiLeaks yesterday, Montgomery already had informed the FBI about, including but not limited to the software which allows for this massive spying.

I have asked the House Judiciary Committee of Chairman Bob Goodlatte to get answers from FBI Director Comey and his General Counsel James Baker about the status of the ongoing FBI investigation, but predictably no response has thus far been made. It is clear that the FBI is now going rogue, and is likely covering up for its colleagues at the intelligence agencies, and also to continue to hide its own most likely illegal spying activities.

In short, the FBI and the intelligence agencies are likely engaged in a conspiracy to violate the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution, and are out of control.

Who knows this better than General Michael Flynn, who thanks to their illegal spying has unjustly had his career and life severely damaged if not ruined.

And, to those who think that President Donald J. Trump and "his men and women" have not been illegally spied up by these agencies, under the direction of or with the knowledge of former President Obama and his felonious hatchet men like former CIA Director John Brennan and former DNI James Clapper, they live on another planet.

I will therefore go to court today not just for my clients and me, but for all those who have and will surely fall victim to the "Dark Orwellian State" that we now know for sure has the power to destroy any and all Americans who get in its way.

Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties. To read more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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With the WikiLeaks document dump yesterday, it is now virtually certain that the intelligence agencies, despite court rulings by the Honorable Richard J. Leon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, are continuing to violate the Fourth Amendment.
wikileaks, cia, larry klayman, judge richard leon, vault seven
Wednesday, 08 March 2017 11:41 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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