Former FBI Director and now Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just hired, at tremendous taxpayer expense, his sixteenth lawyer/prosecutor in what now has become apparent to even those who do not reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue a hit job on President Donald J. Trump.
Notwithstanding that fifteen lawyers (and counting) are not necessary for the early stages of an investigation of Russian collusion with Trump, his family, and associates past and present, since the FBI is the investigative arm of the Special Counsel, who is empowered under the authority of the U.S. Department of Justice, Mueller’s "witch hunt," which most certainly is aimed at finding anything under the District of Columbia-Moscow sun, to bring criminal indictments, is an affront not just to the citizenry but any legal practitioner who does not make a living churning fees and costs.
When I began my career in 1977 as an attorney at the 70-plus attorney Miami law firm of Blackwell, Walker, Powers, Flick and Hoehl — then the largest firm in Florida — I was asked just days after passing the bar examination to travel to Orlando to defend a deposition in a products liability lawsuit brought by the famous tort lawyer Melvin Belli, nicknamed the “King of Torts.”
The case was brought by a Mrs. Mekdeci who had taken the drugs Bendectin and Actafed during the early stages of pregnancy and then given birth to a child with a deformity. The senior partner that I worked with, Paul Larkin, perhaps the best lawyer I have ever come into contact with, represented the maker of Actafed, Burroughs-Welcome Pharmaceutical Company. The maker of Bendectin, Richard Merrill Inc. (now Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals), was represented by the famous and now deceased Wall Street trial lawyer Lawrence Walsh of the venerable law firm of Davis, Polk and Wardwell, who ironically later was named as an Independent Counsel — yesteryear’s equivalent of Special Counsel Mueller — to investigate the Iran-Contra scandal during the Reagan administration. Ironically, his deputy on Iran-Contra, the man who actually ran the investigation was my Emory University Law School classmate, Craig Gillen, now one of the top criminal defense lawyers in the nation with offices in Atlanta.
When I entered the deposition room of the first day of the planned deposition I observed Lawrence Walsh sitting at the table with three associates behind him. It seemed strange to me, since Paul had given me the authority to depose Mrs. Mekdeci on my own, with very little practical experience at that point in my career. This was potentially a multi-million dollar case and my partner entrusted me to “get the job done,” having faith in me. Yet, the three six or so year associates sitting behind Walsh were there simply to take notes and remind him to ask appropriate questions. With some humor, when I sat down one of these lackeys, for lack of a better name for them — pun intended — saw my Duke University undergraduate ring, which showed that I had graduated in 1973. He then nicely asked me if I had gone to Duke Law School. I laughed and responded no, and added would you believe that I had graduated from Emory Law School just a few months ago. The Walsh associate face tightened as he was shocked that so much responsibility had been bestowed by the premier law firm in Florida on me, someone who he must have thought was green behind the ears, when he after six years of practice was simply pushing paper.
Later when I suggested to Walsh at a morning break that we should all get lunch to discuss the questioning of Mrs. Mekdeci he declined, stating that he does not eat lunch with co-defendant lawyers. So much for being even friendly to this penultimate “blue blood,” who later when he became the Iran-Contra Independent Counsel did so much to harm President Reagan and those around him, as Special Counsel Mueller can now also be expected to do with President Trump and all of his men and women.
The point to this column is to say that the so called legal intelligentsia, the likes of Walsh and now Mueller, not only over-lawyer cases to run up the bill for their clients — in the case of Mueller his “witch hunt” investigation will cost the taxpayer tens of millions of dollars — their arrogance surpasses all norms for the average law firm or lawyer. These Washington, D.C., and New York “Brahman” types believe that they are better than the rest of the bar, when in fact they have never really tried many cases at street level and don’t know what fighting by themselves, without a hordes of legal yes men around them, is all about. Instead they surround themselves with lackeys, my friend Craig Gillen being a rare exception, who know how to butter the bread of their master and do his dirty work for him.
President Trump, like President Reagan before him, is in for a rough ride and the sixteen and counting Clinton-Obama lawyers now, working under Mueller, are likely on orders to destroy The Donald presidency. You can count on several indictments in what Woody Allen would call a “sham of a sham of a sham” investigation and scandal!
Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties. To read more of his reports, Go Here Now.
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