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Bushes Not Putting Nation's Interests First in Speaking Out

Bushes Not Putting Nation's Interests First in Speaking Out

Former President George W. Bush (OleksiiSergieiev/Dreamstime)

By    |   Tuesday, 28 February 2017 02:34 PM EST

For eight years, former President George W. Bush was in political hibernation apparently painting pictures in coloring books, among other past times at his Texas ranch.

Having brought the economy to its knees and started a foolish war that became never-ending and needlessly cost thousands of American lives in Iraq, apparently he wanted to forget about the mess and death and destruction that he had left behind.

Unfortunately, the subsequent President Barack Hussein Obama, for a variety of reasons, not the least of which were his pro-socialist/Muslim proclivities, did not prove up to the task to restoring the nation to greatness.

In fact, he drove it into the tank, paving the way for our new President Donald J.Trump to take the reigns of power, as a result of an insurgent populist reaction.

In effect, Bush plus Obama gave rise to Trump.

Along the way to winning the White House, The Donald had to take on scores of Republican opponents in the presidential primary. The most formidable foe seemed at first to be former Governor Jeb Bush — a nice and thoughtful man who was my first real estate agent in Miami — and who later went on to win the statehouse in the Sunshine State.

Jeb, while far superior intellectually and virtually in all other respects to Bush 43, unfortunately for him and his privileged family, was easily deconstructed and dismissed by Trump, despite Jeb’s formidable Bush machine, whose pockets were lined by the likes of lobbyist Karl Rove and his super pacs.

The Bush machine folded like a cheap tent, as there was not much behind it other than a family that had learned to feel as if they were American nobility and no longer had to work for the privilege of occupying the White House.

Their self-image having been shattered by We the People, who essentially threw them out of public life, the Bush family childishly did not show up for the Republican Convention in Cleveland and made it a point of announcing publicly that they would not vote for The Donald in the upcoming fall presidential election.

In sum, it is obvious that they were stung by this ostracism, feeling that their previous entitlement to office was something that God had bequeathed to them.

This resentful attitude and their false sense of privilege was on display again yesterday, this time in far worse and far more crass terms. George W. Bush, in the past having repeatedly stated that he did not think it the role of a past president to comment on or criticize an incoming one when Obama was in office, now has seen fit to hypocritically let loose on Trump.

In so doing his and his family’s not too latent resentment dripped from the sides of his mouth, as he opportunistically hawked his new book on a variety of television networks and shows, including the venomous leftist NBC show "Today" hosted by the hateful Matt Lauer.

Here is what Bush 43 had to say about The Donald to Matt Lauer:

"We need an independent media to hold people like me to account."

"Power can be addictive and it can be corrosive, and it’s important for the media to call to account people who abuse power."

"It’s kind of hard to tell others (such as Putin) to tell others to have an independent free press when we’re not willing to have one ourselves."

"I think we all need answers (about Trump’s alleged contact with Russia)… I’m not sure the right avenue to take. I am sure, though, that that question needs to be answered."

”I am for an immigration policy that is welcoming and upholds the law.”

While cleverly not using The Donald’s name, it was quite clear that George W. Bush was currying favor with the one of the most leftist commentators on the most leftist television network in America to sell books. Frankly, this about face to criticize and undercut President Trump was low class.

George W. Bush finally came out of the woodwork, notably not to criticize and attempt to influence the harmful actions of Obama who behind the scenes is orchestrating violent protests to try to delegitimize and bring down the Trump presidency, but instead to now go after the new Republican president that we the electorate chose, who he and his family despise.

The rest of the Bushes and W, having been put out to pasture as a result of their own failures, should be ashamed as they are not putting the interests of the nation ahead of their own jealousies. This is sad!

And that is where I will leave it for today.

Larry Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is known for his strong public interest advocacy in furtherance of ethics in government and individual freedoms and liberties. To read more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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George W. Bush finally came out of the woodwork, notably not to criticize and attempt to influence the harmful actions of Obama, but instead to now go after the new Republican president. The Bushes should be ashamed as they are not putting the interests of the nation ahead of their own jealousies.
bush, bushes
Tuesday, 28 February 2017 02:34 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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