Mar 20, 2020
If we don't do this now, soon America's middle class, small investors, and pension owners will lose their life savings, or have their retirements wrecked forever.
Mar 16, 2020
We will need a 21st century version of The Marshall Plan to save America’s economy. We’ll need to rescue small business, their employees, those sick with Coronavirus, tourism, airlines, Vegas and all the rest, with a trillion-dollar rescue plan. No choice.
Mar 9, 2020
We should all be demanding answers. I’m not alone. CNBC talking heads days ago recommended (from this point on) the Democratic Party hide Biden from public view.
Mar 5, 2020
Biden reminds me of a crappy version of Hillary Clinton circa 2016. He's another old, corrupt, establishment hack with the support of Democrat party bosses.
Mar 2, 2020
There are many lessons to be learned from this coronavirus crisis. To quote former President Barack Obama, this is a "teachable moment."
Feb 28, 2020
We’ve gotta take him at his word. When a man is such a Kool-Aid-drinking true believer, that he’d defend a communist mass murderer, that’s the tip-off of what we’re really dealing with. Meet Comrade Fidel Sanders. Be frightened, very frightened.
Feb 24, 2020
For weeks I’ve been announcing on my Newsmax national TV show that Mike Bloomberg is the worst public speaker ever. He’s thoroughly unlikeable.
Feb 17, 2020
There was a political and patriotic twist to Valentine's Day. Because President Trump is making us all fall in love with America again.