In Tuesday's New York primary, Republicans in the 1st Congressional District have a clear choice to name a conservative GOP nominee.
His name is Chris Cox.
Chris Cox is a natural to join an insurgent GOP when the next Congress convenes in January 2011 and begins repealing Obamacare and many of the excesses of the Pelosi-Reid Congress.
First, Chris is a solid conservative with a track record to prove it. He's for fully extending the Bush tax cuts and overturning Obamacare. He's pro-NRA. He's pro-life with no exceptions.
Chris' record has won the support of tea party backers. He has been endorsed by the largest tea party organization in the district, the Suffolk County 9-12 Project, as well as the Nassau and Queens counties 9-12 Projects.
He will be only 31 years of age when he takes his oath, so voters will reap the benefits of his philosophy over many decades to come.
One reason we like Chris Cox is that he is not a politician or former government employee. His experience is solidly in the private sector.
When Newsmax interviewed Chris, he spoke bluntly and with refreshing common sense. For example, he told us that Obama's economic policies are simply "insane."
Washington needs a successful businessman like Chris to speak forcefully for tax cuts, getting spending under control and stopping Obama's radical agenda.
Chris has walked the walk. He is co-founder of a consulting firm that advises American companies on selling their products in new markets overseas, allowing them to expand their business and grow their workforce here in America, not on foreign soil.
He is also a lawyer and has spent much time on a pro-bono basis fighting for the rights of New York state small business owners in Albany.
Chris comes from good political pedigree. His father, Ed Cox, has been an active conservative for much of his adult life. Chris is also the grandson of former President Richard Nixon.
We believe that Chris' views will resonate with the district's voters. Unlike his primary opponents, Chris’ family has deep roots going back more than a hundred years in this eastern Long Island district.
As this race goes down to the wire, the mud is slinging.
When we vet a candidate for an endorsement, we focus not just on what the candidate says and promises, but their actual record. It is usually the best predictor of how the candidate will act and vote once in office.
With Chris, we have found a real Reaganite.
Our view is supported by numerous conservatives who are backing Chris, including Steve Forbes.
The former presidential candidate and tax-cut advocate said, "It's all about the economy. And Chris Cox gets it."
Steve Forbes added: "Chris understands how to blend common sense — cutting spending, balancing budgets, ending wasteful earmarks — with the need for innovative reforms . . . There's no question that Chris Cox has the best interest of taxpayers at heart and will be an outstanding congressman."
The official positions of Chris' main rivals are promising, but the candidate's records don't always match the promise.
Take, for example, Randy Altschuler, a successful businessman who is spending a considerable part of his fortune to win this election.
But we doubt that voters in November will go for Altschuler when they discover one of his companies bragged how it outsourced jobs from New York to India.
Altschuler also was a former registered member of the far left Green Party and has held pro-choice views.
This year, Republicans have a good chance of defeating Democratic Congressman Timothy Bishop, a close ally of Nancy Pelosi.
But that will only happen if voters are given a clear alternative to Bishop, a candidate with a solid record as a conservative. Chris Cox is that person.
Editor's Note: See the exclusive Newsmax interview with Chris Cox — Click Here Now.
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