President Barack Obama’s Chicago-style politics and “union thugocracy” are at work in Wisconsin in an effort to undermine Gov. Scott Walker’s plans to rein in the power of public sector labor unions, Citizens United President David Bossie tells Newsmax.TV.
Praising Walker for his courage, the head of the citizens advocacy group predicted that, with “just a little bit of support, he is going to be able to win and win a big victory, and then we’re going to be able to march it across the country, which is very important.”
Under Walker’s plan, most state employees would lose bargaining rights for all but pay issues and have to kick in more of their pension and health care costs. The $300 million in savings over the next two years would help close a $3.6 billion budget shortfall, Walker contends.
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The White House’s political operation, Organizing for America, quickly got involved to protect the key Democratic constituency by helping to organize the mass protests. Obama himself took the unusual step of inviting a Milwaukee television station to interview him. During the interview, the president alleged that Walker’s moves were “more of an assault on unions.”
“Everybody knows the Chicago way and the union thugocracy that runs Chicago . . . is at work in Madison,” Bossie said. “You’ve seen these legislators, Republican legislators, both men and women, being intimidated. The misogynistic attitude towards the female legislators, calling them unbelievable names by other members of the Legislature, is ridiculous.”
Bossie said the actions “should be renounced” and said the president “loves to talk about civility” but is allowing the opposite by not demanding that his supporters stop attacking “people both physically and verbally.”
Bossie, who also is an author and a documentary film producer, recently completed the book and documentary, “
Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous With Destiny,” with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and his wife, Callista. He scoffed at recent suggestions that Obama is channeling The Gipper.
“Certainly Barack Obama is no Ronald Reagan . . . It is nothing but a ploy concocted by the PR team in the White House and run by the mainstream media which is in his hip pocket,” he said. “So I find it to be laughable. There’s nothing that you can compare Barack Obama to with Ronald Reagan that are consistent policy-wise.”
Citizens United’s production united is working on a number of other film projects including ones on American exceptionalism, unions, and their role in state budget problems, as well as its first children’s film, focusing on the Founding Fathers, Bossie said.
On other issues, Bossie said:
- Everything is politics to President Obama and the America public is tired of it. “I think the American people want their economy fixed. They want jobs. They want a healthy, robust economy so that their children and grandchildren can have a better future, a better life, not worse.”
- House Republicans are very nervous about the prospect of a government shutdown and the resultant images of “granny not being able to get Social Security check or a vet not being able to get his health care.”
- Social Security continues to be the “third rail of politics, nobody wants to touch Social Security.” If he were advising the GOP leadership in the House and Senate, he said, he would tell them “to let the president lead on it because let’s see what he does and then we can have our own plan in response.”
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