I thought it might be an eye opener if I focused on the ways people mistreat each other in the course of a day. Here are some all too frequently used:
Blame someone else when you go off your diet.
Be late for an early-morning breakfast date.
Don’t send an RSVP when the invitation clearly calls for it.
Let everyone else in the company know you’re going to fire someone before telling the person himself.
As you’re leaving a meeting on Friday, tell a subordinate in an ominous tone you need to talk with him Monday.
Allow a salesperson to ring up your purchase first, even though you know someone else was ahead of you.
Always wait until the second notice before paying a bill.
Say you’ll make a return for a friend and then let it sit in your car for a week.
Refuse to let another driver pull into your lane.
Make your carpool sit for 10 minutes while you finish getting dressed.
Be a half-hour late for a dinner party and don’t call. And when you get there, don’t apologize.
Stay in bed until the last minute and then scream at the children to hurry up and get ready for school.
Don’t make your child-support payments on time.
Cancel a dental appointment five minutes before you are to be in the dentist’s office.
Make a lot of noise in the morning, even though everyone else is sleeping.
Don’t tip the waitress because the food doesn’t taste good.
Tell a job applicant you’ll call on Monday to tell him whether he got the job, and then don’t call.
Lecture your child for an hour on his transgressions and bring up everything he has done wrong in the past.
Let your dog bark for hours outside in the middle of the night.
Simply hang up the receiver when the party on the other end says “Hello” and you realize you’ve called a wrong number.
Lend a book to a friend when you’ve already promised it to another friend.
Never pay back the petty change you borrow.
Throw your spouse’s coffee away without asking whether he or she is finished drinking it.
Use someone else’s idea but take all the credit.
Do you know any other ways that you may be mistreating someone?
Check out Doris’ latest books, “The Boy Whose Idea Could Feed the World,” “The Parent Teacher Discussion Guide,“ and “Thin Becomes You” at Doris’ web page: http://www.doriswildhelmering.com.
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