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4 Natural Supplements That Help Fight Breast Cancer

4 Natural Supplements That Help Fight Breast Cancer

(Copyright DPC)

By    |   Thursday, 27 October 2016 01:06 PM EDT

Since October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month, it is important to note that besides screenings and other methods of detection, there are ways to actually prevent the dreaded disease in the first place.

“The best way to fight cancer is to do everything you can to prevent it,” natural health expert Cheryl Myers, R.M., tells Newsmax Health.

“By stopping inflammation and enabling the cells of the body to develop naturally is a key strategy. In this light, a number of botanicals are now considered to be some of the strongest weapons for preventing and battling breast cancer.”

Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women, after heart disease, striking approximately one in eight who live to the age of 85.

For most women — up to 80 percent — the disease is connected to factors shaped by the environment, aging and stress, rather than heredity says Myers.

While many internal factors can increase the risk of getting breast cancer, the most dangerous underlying cause is inflammation.

“There are three basic ways to protect yourself from cancer,” says Myers. “First, eat clean foods including a variety of fruits, nuts, natural oils and vegetables along with organic meats, fish or vegan protein sources.

“Secondly, get up and move several times a day even if it’s only a 15-minute walk. The third way we can protect ourselves is to vote for representatives who have well thought out policies to reduce pollution and promote healthier, safer, food.”

While eating well and exercising can help reduce inflammation, often supplementation is required for maximum benefit.

Here are four of the most powerful cancer-fighting supplements:

Curcumin. This a powerful anti-inflammatory stops cancer cells from forming, kills existing cancer cells, and prevents them from spreading. Myers recommends the supplement CuraMed 500 mg. for maximum absorption. “While you can get curcumin by using the spice turmeric in cooking, it contains only about 5% of curcumin.”

Pomegranate seed oil. Pomegranate seeds have powerful anticancer properties and chemicals. In one cellular study, punicic acid from pomegranate seed oil showed dramatic antitumor effects and inhibited cancer cell proliferation or spreading in up to 95 percent of breast cancer cells.

Grape seed extract. Grape seeds are high in oligomeric proanthocyanidins complexes (OPCs), which have excellent antioxidant activity and are known cancer fighters.

Cellular studies indicate that grape seed extract has powerful aromatase inhibitors that stop enzymes from converting androgens into estrogens which may fuel breast cancer.
It also suppresses the ability of the highly malignant and fast-growing triple negative breast cancer cells to migrate and invade other parts of the body.

Vitamin D3. Clinical research has shown that over 75 percent of breast cancer survivors were vitamin D deficient. And other studies conclude that high levels of vitamin D may reduce the risk of breast cancer by a whopping 50 percent.

“Still other research confirms that vitamin D is able to enter breast cancer cells and trigger apoptosis, the destruction of cancer cells,” says Myers.

“While it’s true that vitamin D is created with sun exposure, vitamin D is not absorbed by sunshine. Instead, sunshine triggers a process in the body that creates vitamin D. Unfortunately, as we age our skin changes and we become less and less able to make vitamin D in generous amounts.

She notes that people on statin drugs to lower cholesterol levels may not know that they are also lowering the raw material in the body that makes vitamin D.

In addition, people in northern latitudes have a difficult time getting the 15-30 minutes of sun exposure recommended to create this important vitamin.

“Therefore here again, supplementation is recommended to obtain optimum levels to fight breast cancer,” Myers says. “You [can] ask your healthcare provider to test your levels of vitamin D and recommend a good supplement if needed.”


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Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women. For most, the disease is connected to lifestyle factors and genetics. But a handful of powerful cancer-fighting supplements can reduce a woman's risks.
breast, cancer, supplements, prevention
Thursday, 27 October 2016 01:06 PM
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