Larry Kudlow - MN

Larry Kudlow

Mar 3, 2018
Tariffs Are Really Tax Hikes in Disguise
One of the ironies of trade protectionism is that tariffs and import quotas are what we do to ourselves in times of peace and what foreign nations do to u?s with blockades to keep imports from entering our country in times of war.

Feb 17, 2018
Trump Needs a Return to 'King Dollar'
There is still a missing pillar of prosperity in the Trump economic agenda, and that is a sound dollar strategy, Larry Kudlow writes, along with Stephen Moore and Art Laffer.

Jan 27, 2018
Trump's Davos Strategy 'Brilliant Stroke'
Quote: "America is open for business, and we are competitive once again." End quote. That was just one of the key lines in President Trump's highly successful Davos speech this week.Of course, in going to Davos, Trump entered the lion's den. A year ago such a visit would...

Jan 5, 2018
Bannon Down, Market Up: The Resurgence of Real American Populism
I hope Steve Bannon will reflect on his downfall and revisit these prosperity lessons. In life, doors close and doors open. We can learn from our mistakes and move on to better times. A smart guy like Bannon should work to help us, not harm us.

Dec 23, 2017
Santa Trump, GOP Are Growth Angels as Dems Threaten US Prosperity
Democrats are rooting against the stock market, economic growth, and a powerful prosperity at home.

Dec 9, 2017
Republicans' Tax Plan Takes a Quirky Swipe at the Little Guys
This stealth capital-gains tax contradicts the entire purpose of an otherwise prosperity-generating tax bill.

Dec 1, 2017
Trump Tax Plan Will Spark Investment Boom That Will Benefit Everyone
Warts and all, if I were a voting member of Congress, I would certainly cast a “yea” vote for the tax-cut plan passed by the Senate and House and headed for conference (to work out minor differences) in the weeks ahead.

Nov 10, 2017
A Pro-Growth Tax Bill Is On the Way This Year
One way or another -- even with the glitches and differences between the House and Senate tax plans -- Congress will come up with a significant pro-growth bill because business tax cuts are still the centerpiece. And they should do it this year.

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