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5 Best Low Impact Exercises

Thursday, 16 December 2010 09:22 AM EST

When it's time to commit to an exercise program, so many people feel that it's all or nothing! They feel they have to start lifting weights, running marathons, and training for triathlons. However, there are many low impact exercises that have the same benefits of high impact exercises. By trying some of these exercise routines, you too can work off that belly fat and ease back into shape. best low impact exercises
5. STRETCHING is one of the most overlooked steps to exercising and one of the most important. It starts from the time you wake up and can begin before you ever get out of bed. Slowly stretching your calves, arms, and neck muscles from bed loosens them and makes them more flexible for future exercise during the day. Keeping those joints pliable will help prevent the onset of conditions like osteoarthritis, muscle strains, and back problems.
4. STEP AEROBICS is great for the person who just can’t handle high impact aerobics. It is slower paced and can be done just about anywhere. If you don't have an official step, you can always use the hearth of the fireplace or step between two rooms. You raise your heart rate with this type of exercise without ever having to do any jumping.
3. SWIMMING is a low impact exercise that gets the whole body working. Even if you don't know how to swim, water aerobics classes are wonderful low-impact classes for the individual who's new to exercise or can't take strain on their knees or ankles. It also gets the heart pumping and burns calories.
2. YOGA is a popular choice these days for many people seeking low impact exercises. It promotes balance, stretching, and well-being. Many tout its ability to lift the mood while developing strength and flexibility. It's also popular because it can be done in classes or in the comfort of your own home.
1. WALKING is by far the best low impact exercise anyone can use to lose weight or get in shape. It can be done by young and old alike, the overweight, or those who simply need to drop a few pounds. One can start off slow and work up to a faster and longer walk. Adding incline or speed to your walk can help increase the calorie burn.
By slowly easing into exercise with some of these low impact exercises, you can increase your heart rate, build muscle, and shed unwanted pounds more easily than you might have ever thought possible.

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When it's time to commit to an exercise program, so many people feel that it's all or nothing! They feel they have to start lifting weights, running marathons, and training for triathlons. However, there are many low impact exercises that have the same benefits of high...
low,impact,exercises,exercise routines,fitness,health,low impact exercises,exercises that dont hurt your joints
Thursday, 16 December 2010 09:22 AM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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