Among the many amazing benefits of flower pollen extract are its capabilities to promote heart health by lowering cholesterol levels. The wide array of nutrients in the extract also provides antioxidants that protect against heart damage.
Flower pollen extract contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids for protein build-up, healthy unsaturated fatty acids, plant hormones and enzymes to cleanse the arteries and improve the cardiovascular system.
The extract is also cleaner than other pollen extracts because of the careful process in removing debris from bee pollen and maintaining pure nutrients for flower pollen extract supplements. The organic ingredients enter your body's cells, bloodstream and organs without unnatural materials.
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The rich antioxidants in the nutrients of flower pollen extract play an important role in defeating free radicals that can damage many of the organs of the body, including the heart.
Free radicals can destroy cells and tissues, causing skin damage, vision loss, inflammation, and heart problems. Some experts say the extract contains more antioxidants than fruits and vegetables,
according to Enlliven Herbal Australia.
The plant sterols in flower pollen extract provide cholesterol-lowering benefits by helping to eliminate fats from the blood and body, studies reveal. Plant sterols have been recognized for their positive effects on cholesterol for decades by the American Heart Association,
according to
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Research shows flower pollen extract helps the liver break down fats in the body to avoid atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, which develops from excess cholesterol deposits. The nutrients from the pollen eliminate fats and plaque build-up in the arteries to help prevent heart disease.
Flower pollen extract helps boost metabolism and stabilizes body weight. Keeping your weight under control is a major factor in avoiding the risk of heart disease.
The nutrients in the extract also strengthen the heart by increasing stamina and endurance for heart-healthy exercise. Athletes have improved their performances with flower pollen extract.
According to Livestrong, soccer players saw dramatic increases in their energy levels, stamina and oxygen intake within 10 days after taking flower pollen extract supplements, Italian researchers reported.
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