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Tags: Barack Obama | Scandal | Solyndra | Tweets | Green Energy

Barack Obama Solyndra Scandal: 13 Noteworthy Tweets From Green Energy Controversy

By    |   Monday, 02 February 2015 03:45 PM EST

The green energy Solyndra scandal is just one of an alarming number of scandals that have occurred under President Barack Obama's watch. Although the controversy has been overshadowed by a litany of ensuing scandals, the Obama administration's fast tracking of stimulus funds to Solyndra, which ultimately left taxpayers on the hook for $535 million, still rankles.

The Solyndra scandal was not about whether the use of stimulus funds to bolster green energy is a wise investment. The scandal erupted over the pressure that the Obama administration, which stood to gain politically by funding green energy, put on the Office of Management and Budget to issue the loan. This despite the Treasury's reservations about the financial health of Solyndra, which in fact, later went bankrupt despite the infusion of stimulus funds.

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Here are 13 noteworthy tweets generated by President Barack Obama's Solyndra scandal:

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The green energy Solyndra scandal is just one of an alarming number of scandals that have occurred under President Barack Obama's watch.
Barack Obama, Scandal, Solyndra, Tweets, Green Energy
Monday, 02 February 2015 03:45 PM
Newsmax Media, Inc.

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