Eric Holder can’t get any respect!
No matter what he does, he, and Obama, are treated poorly because of their race.
Their supporters have pulled the race card so many times in the past six years that there probably are few cards left in the deck.
Never mind that Holder is the first attorney general in history to be found in contempt of Congress; that his Department dragged its feet on investigations into the IRS, Benghazi, and the Fast and Furious scandals; and, repeatedly stonewalls Congress.
Speaking before Obama cheerleader and, from recent news reports, former FBI informant Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, Holder all but said that his treatment before the House Judiciary committee was race based.
"You look at the way the attorney general of the United States was treated . . . by a House committee . . . What attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? What president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?"
His point again: he and Obama are being attacked because they are black.
Too bad Richard Nixon and his attorney general John Mitchell didn’t have the race card to play during Watergate! Nor Bill Clinton when he was impeached by Congress; nor Robert Bork during his bitter confirmation hearings; nor George Bush’s Attorney General Alberto Gonzales who never said he was criticized because he was Hispanic.
As I have written before, Holder, Obama, and their allies hide behind the race card at every opportunity because it shuts down valid criticism of their ineptitude.
By doing so, they do a great disservice to all that is represented by the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. In Austin, Texas, Obama praised Lyndon Johnson and the passage of civil rights legislation.
"Because of the Civil Rights movement, because of the laws President Johnson signed, new doors of opportunity and education swung open for everybody . . . They swung open for you . . . for me . . . that's why I'm standing here today — because of those efforts, because of that legacy."
Just hours before, the black president’s black attorney general was whining that they were both victims of racism.
One thing is sure. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the election of another black liberal president. Even after winning two presidential elections, Obama and his crowd continue to resort to playing the race card.
What is even worse is that his supporters, allies in the liberal media, and cohorts in the Democratic establishment will not call him on playing the race card — they defend and agree. After all, it helps rally the black base.
As Syracuse University Professor Dr. Boyce Watkins recently wrote in the Florida Courier, “For millions of white Americans, Obama was elected in spite of being black, rather than because of it.”
Had he lost in 2008 or 2012, you can bet your boots the same people would have cried racism. Even after these electoral victories, any criticism of him or Holder brings cries of racism.
Whether they know it or not, Holder and black leaders and journalists who eagerly join the race card chorus cheapen and denigrate the word.
They cry race more than the little boy who cried wolf. After a time, it wears thin and people will not only stop listening, but a great proportion of whites might say: “Wait, we elect this black liberal and we are called open-minded; yet if we disagree with him or his black attorney general, we suddenly become racists.
The real tragedy is as the first black president, Obama could have done much to bring the nation together and heal some of the racial wounds of the past. No doubt many whites, as well as blacks, had hoped for just that. Instead he, Holder, and his supporters have only broadened the racial divide. This will be one of the sad legacies of his presidency.
As usual, liberals in the media and their democratic establishments do not dare speak up and say it’s time to stop the race card game because many of them are guilty of playing in the same arena.
Criticizing Holder is racism, but when black and white liberals make racist and derogatory comments about black conservatives such as Senator Tim Scott, R-N.C., former Congressman Allen West, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and other black conservatives, that’s just political debate.
It is one more example of liberal hypocrisy and double standards on race.
Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations consulting firm in Florida. He held several positions in the Reagan administration as well as in the Reagan presidential campaigns and has appeared on many national and local media outlets. Read more reports from Clarence V. McKee — Click Here Now.
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